Intramurals at 51 promote:
- Sport and fun activities that benefit active and healthy lifestyles
- Recreational play and competition in the MU community
- Respect for all officials, opponents, and players
- Development of physical, social, and mental well-being of all participants
Look for special events sponsored by Intramurals throughout the year.
Roster size limits:
- 3 v 3 Volleyball - 6 players
- Touch Football - 9 players
- Sand Volleyball - 9 players
- Basketball - 10 players
- Indoor Soccer - 10 players
- 6 v 6 Volleyball - 10 players
- Softball - 12 players
Everyone on a roster MUST attend a rules meeting. Rosters should be turned in prior to meetings.
Mitch Schall, Coordinator - x5394