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Event Details

VIA: Storytelling, Arts, and Resilience - Transforming Trauma

  • Dates: 17 – 17 Feb, 2025

Dr. Babu Ayindo, a Kenyan peace educator, discusses the intersection of arts, peacebuilding and decolonization, and the importance of the arts in conflict and trauma transformation.

Ayindo co-founded Amani People's Theatre (based on Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed). He has taught arts and peacebuilding courses in a number of peace institutes in various parts of the world, including: the Africa Peacebuilding Institute (Zambia); The Oceania Peacebuilding Institute (Fiji Islands); the Summer Peacebuilding Institute of Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia (USA); the Peace and Development Institute of the American University, Washington, DC (USA); the Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute (The Philippines); and, the Canadian School of Peacebuilding.